"what is ginga"? glad u asked!
"ginga", or "the silver fang legend" as it is commonly called in english, is a collecton of mangas written and illustrated by Yoshihiro Takahashi, 2 of these series getting anime adaptations as well! the series kicked off with "ginga; nagareboshi gin", or "silver fang ; the shooting star gin" in 1983, and is still being kept up with today with "ginga densetsu noah" being the newest addition in 2019.
my love for this series started when a friend of mine back when i was ~10/11 yrs old sent me a bunch of videos of these dogs from some anime dubbing random things from random shows and movies on chatango. naturally, i thought this shit was fucking hilarious, but then i wanted to know where the hell these EPIC, BADASS dogs were from. i then just looked up the shit i didn't undertand in the title of the video and found Ginga Densetsu Weed. from there, i watched the entire show and LOVED every minute of it. i may not have gotten any sleep that night, but my autistic heart was so full of joy; finally, an anime with badass dogs.
although i started out with GDW, i actually prefer GNG and have much fonder memories of binging that show than GDW. that being said, i still absolutely love GDW and am still a little obsessive over it. Orion, however, is when my interest for the series starts to taper off and i stop giving a shit. i mean; why tf would u bring back a character no one fucking liked - AND THAT EVERYONE THOUGHT WAS DEAD - for the newest series =_=. BUT ANYWAYS. u're not here for my fandom opinions and hot takes. u're here to see my xtremely autistic collection of ginga shit!