idogs, a tamagotchi-like inspired pet toy, were released worldwide in 2005, and featured the ability to not only play music, but to be a virtual pet! they had the ability to "starve" if you stopped "feeding" them music, form a personality based on the music you play around/for them most, and even become "sick" if you played them music they DIDN'T like. with each series of idog, the less and less features there are.

the types and colors of idogs are vast, and many people in the idog community feel we haven't even seen all of them yet, as the brand kind of just went crazy for a bit, and made a whole bunch of one-off designs, including the animal itself. there's icat, ifish, iturtle, and ipenguin.

i am deeply fond of the first and second gens of idogs. i enjoy helping them form a personality with the music they are exposed to, and like seeing the different colors that come on based on not just its mood, but the music its listening too as well. they just had so much thought and intent put behind them, it is very hard not to appreciate them.