webkinz is a plush and internet pet series released in the xxxx's as a mission to really bring the experiance of having
a plush friend to life.
my experiance with webkinz started when i was around the age of 7, when someone brought their husky webkinz in for show and tell.
at the time i couldn't have one, so i crudly drew a W on the bottom of one of my existing plushies feet and showed up to school saying "LOOK! I HAVE ONE TOO!".
i eventually got a webkinz, the husky, and from there, i became obsessed with not just the plushies, but the online world they lived in.
i made so many friends on webkinz, and even still rememeber the names of some of them and think of how they're doing every now and then.
over the years, i've collected tons of webkinz; regular AND signature. Below is all of the webkinz i have. click them to learn more about them!